Guess The Number
' Guess The Number for Liberty BASIC and Just BASIC
' by Shawn Hartnell

print "'Ello. I'm a little man inside Liberty BASIC."
print "See if you can guess my random number."
print "It will be between 1 and 100."

gosub [init]

    input "Guess my number : > "; a
    if a < 1 or a > 100 then
        print "Please enter a number between 1 and 100"
        goto [asknumber]
    end if

if a < number then
    print : print "Your number is too low."
    guess = guess - 1
end if

if a > number then
    print : print "Your number is too high."
    guess = guess - 1
end if

if a = number then
    print "Congratulations, you win!"
end if

if guess > 0 then goto [askNumber]

print "Sorry, you failed to guess my number."
print "Game over."


    number = int(rnd(1)*100)+1
    guess = 10
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