Graphics in Game Maker
Game Maker graphics.
- Animation end event
- bbox_bottom - bottom of bounding box.
- bbox_left - left side of bounding box.
- bbox_right - right side of bounding box.
- bbox_top - top side of bounding box.
- depth - the depth of the sprite (determines drawing order)
- draw_sprite() - draw a sprite
- draw_sprite_ext()
- image_alpha [ pro ] - transparency of sprite
- image_angle [ pro ] - rotation of sprite
- image_blend [ pro ]
- image_index - subimage currently being displayed.
- image_number - the number of subimages a sprite has.
- image_speed - the speed of animation of the sprite
- image_xscale - horizontal scaling of sprite
- image_yscale - vertical scaling of sprite
- sprite_height - height of the sprite
- sprite_width - width of the sprite
- sprite_index - current sprite being displayed.
- sprite_xoffset
- sprite_yoffset
- visible
page revision: 22, last edited: 25 Apr 2014 07:33