It's intended to be a general information page so that no matter what language you are using, you can look and find out what an array is. However, each programming language should have it's own array page and tutorials. Hmm… maybe we could just shorten it and include the examples in array tutorials for specific languages. —hartnell
On that note, should there be another page for setting up SciTE, or should I just add it all to the same page, under the installation instructions?
Nevermind I figured it out and created the page.
By the way, I also created a labels page (yesterday) and you might want to tidy it up and correct and any inaccuracies you might see.
Ok I just had quite a mishap!!! I had finished my "configuring SciTE" section and tried to save it and was told "Your page lock has been forcibly removed….someone else has edited the page, if you have made significant changes we can try to re-activate it…." and that failed and i just lost almost the whole page???? is there any way to recover????
Sorry about that, for some reason wikidot didn't tell me you had a page lock. Always save often. Also, when this happens, you can copy and paste it from the open window. If you have left the page, I'm afraid there's nothing that can be done. (I'm really sorry about that.) —hartnell
I like u9's idea about making it into smaller tutorials, as it is, it's getting "over-populated" and there is still plenty to be covered……on the same note different pages for different languages would work at the same time, but the general array page should be cut up into sections. Just an opinion. :)