PCopy! #70 deadline is 18'th april.
Anonymous (85.157.48.x) 07 Apr 2008 15:13
Hi peoples.
We are not dead, actually we are planning to release next issue of PCopy! e-zine (issue #70) at the end of this month.
All contributions are welcomed, as usual :) We cant do this with out you folks.
MystikShadows is a editor in chief for this issue, but e-zine is the same as allways.
PCopy! website is at http://pcopy.wikidot.com/ and you can contribute articles, editorials, letters, comics, reviews, previews, news and everything to moc.liamg|ffats.ypocp#moc.liamg|ffats.ypocp
Alternative emails;
E.K.Virtanen, da Mystiks little helper.