Hello everyone,
I'm really not sure where to start, but I think the important things is to be here and introduce myself. I have no programming background whatsoever, a little bit of scripting, but that's about it. Where I come from is an art background. I have experience doing pixel art with Javaground for cellphone games and did very well there, but but primary focus in my career has been concept art. I studied at the Art Institute in Santa Ana, Califorinia where I learned many aspects of 3d art, which I also utilize in my career. What I came to find is that while I can create all these assets, I would like to be able to integrate these myself. Even if it's a little stupid game, who cares! I'll make a bunch anyway right?
Now, as far as I know, programming a 3D app is a bit more complicated than a 2d app…. So I think I'd like to start with a simple 2d platformer-a-la-megaman. Also, this will be a joint project with another novice, who should introduce himself shortly….