Hartnell, give me tutorial how you did edited wikidot as that kind of blog site? :D
I have considered to start my own blog, and your one looks something i would love to use.
The theme is based on Gila (no side bar), I'll get the CSS in a minute. All it really is a Pages module that shows pages in the blog category in the order they were created :
[[module Pages category="blog" order="dateCreatedDesc" preview="true" limit="100" ]]
Here's the CSS :
body { -moz-box-sizing:border-box; width:700px; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; } #main-content { margin:0; }
If you need more help, let me know. —hartnell
Thanks man.
Im gona start my blog at saturday when im back home. Too late now and got a early wake in the morning since we go to my home town to see my grandmother.
How you did add possibility to add comment for peoples? I cant find out how :)
Hi hartnell.
Im using Co with out sidebar and when i add your example to .css, nothing happens. Damn im lost here :)
Ok, i need to change for some other theme, then go back to theme i did edit and it works.
Thanks for your help. I finally got what i (think) wanted.
http://e-k-v.wikidot.com/start (still under heavy construction)
Now that's farksnukering wikidot. :) That is awesome. With a little bit more organization, you could turn PCopy into a portal this way. Contact Craig Macomber, the master of wiki organization and ask him for help. :)
He's a real architect.
Thanks. Idea came from you afterall.
I have thought to do some blog for myself, but i have been too lazy. After looking your site, i thought "this is it.". I really do like this wikidot. It's definately in top ten in my greatest software list.
I dont honestly know why i did that site, no one will read anything from it but atleast its fun to have it :D
PCopy…hmm…you know how much i would love to get PCopy on its feet but i fear i dont have that much time. After all there is nearly 100 basic communities and compiler/interpreter websites to follow…daily.
With a team of 5 to 10 volunteers who really wants to make it possible, it would be possible. But afaik, everyone seems to have more than enough projects allready.,
Would be neat to have some sort of list for GDN member websites. I like to do weekly round in websites of different peoples.
Thanks Hartnell.
I would personally recommend my how to rather than asking me because it has more time than I do. http://community.wikidot.com/howto:interface-design
Well, that only covers information, not themes. Its not done yet (I added more today though).