That's actually something I'm trying to get my head around right now, but in the sense of finding a good way to lay out a level for a platform style and then being able to do collision detection with it.
Well, I think before you get going with your code, you should first attach a Bullet Movie Clip, like so:
The first parameter is the Linkage (hehe) name for the Movie Clip, I'm assuming you'd set it to something like bullet. The second parameter is the new name for the object, and the third is its depth- note that when you make a new object on the same depth as another object, it will overwrite any previous on that depth.
Then, whenever you need to spawn a bullet, just do this:
bullet.duplicateMovieClip(<new name>, <depth>);
<new name>._x = wherever you want it go, same for _y.
A good way to keep everything on different depths is to, assuming you're finding the bullet you want with a for loop + check for use, set its depth to the current value for your for variable (I usually use g for for loops).
Duplicating clips and then checking collision for each of them is where I'm stuck. I don't know how to reference each one correctly.