How can I get a random number between x amount and x amount? Thanks.
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(Linkage, at school)
number = rnd() % [big amount] + [small amoutt]
This seems wrong… shouldn't it be
r = rnd() % ( max - min ) + min
E.g. i want a random number between 4 and 10 then
r = rnd() % ( 10 - 4 ) + 4
' Which becomes
r = rnd() % ( 6 ) + 4
' Where rnd() % 6 gives a number between 0 and 6.
' Add +4 to that and you have a random number between
' 4 and 10
Yeah, you're right.
If you want to generate a number between 4 and 10 you need to increase Max by 1…
r = Rnd() % (11 - 4) + 4
Which would become…
r = Rnd() % (7) + 4
Don't worry about it, lol. :)
When I first started using Basic4GL I used to always have problems generating Random Numbers.
The Basic4GL Help Documentation isn't much help either.
If you want to generate a number between 4 and 10 you need to increase Max by 1…
of course. Modulus doesn't return the max itself :D … maybe someone should make this into a function and put it in the resources for b4gl. There should be a sources section :)
There is : source code. :) —hartnell